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The Sourcing Industry Landscape

May 20, 2019

Caring about the environment is embedded in the fabric of Celia’s personality since she was a young child. She was thinking about supply chains before she knew what one was. EcoVadis’ mission is to elevate the performance of global supply chains with respect to sustainability. They’re the largest providers of sustainability ratings. This includes aspects of environment, labor and human rights, ethics and procurement practices of all of the businesses they assess. They have a partnership with the UN Global Impact to help clients make sure their corporate Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are aligned with the right opportunities. Below is a link to the reports of what commitment versus practice looks like across many different types of organizations.


Key Takeaways:

  • Procurement and supply chains have the power to affect environmental sustainability
  • One small change can be magnified throughout the world for a larger impact
  • The importance of asking more questions along the way and playing to your strengths